The 12th International AIC Congress

Event Info

Mon 8 - Fri 12 Jul, 2013 from 9:00am - 5:00pm
The Sage Gateshead
St Mary's Sq., Gateshead Quays
Gateshead, NE8 2JR, UK (Map)
Cost: Early booking (Before 08 May 2013): Full conference: £495, Full conference student rate: £225, Day rate: £125, Student day rate: £100


AIC stands for Association Internationale de la Couleur or the International Colour Society or the Internationale Vereinigung für die Farbe, which is made up of colour societies from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, and the United States.

The AIC is a truly international association with a global reach. Its objectives are to encourage research in all aspects of colour, to disseminate the knowledge gained from this research, and to promote its application to the solution of problems in the fields of science, art, design and industry on an international basis.

The AIC Congress is held every four years. It is the only colour conference in the world that promotes all facets of colour. The Congress provides a unique forum where interested individuals, researchers, academics, artists, architects, industrialists, engineers, designers, lighting experts, and business leaders can share ideas, interact and learn of recent advances in the field.


Early booking (Before 08 May 2013):

Full conference: £495

Full conference student rate: £225

Day rate: £125

Student day rate: £100


Late booking (After 08 May 2013):

Full conference: £645

Full conference student rate: £225

Day rate: £175

Student day rate: £100


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