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Subject: Turning something into viral marketing that works - that John West advert...
From: Leslie Bunder
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 20:06:04 -0000

looks like sending out attachments can work.. (if your company allows them
of course!)

from MediaGuardian...


Web watchers follow the bear

See the ad: Adcritic.com

Claire Cozens
Thursday January 25, 2001

A British ad for a little-known canned fish brand has become an
international cult phenomenon after making its way around the world via

For a mere £1m the commercial, for John West salmon, has drawn an audience
that many better-known brands can only dream of after it was posted on the
influential US website adcritic.com.

Leslie Bunder, Content Partner Manager
Email: Leslie [dot] Bunderatentranet [dot] co [dot] uk
Tel: 07799 710831
Web: www.entranet.co.uk

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  Re: [uk-netmarketing] Turning something , Ashley Pomeroy

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