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Subject: Re: UKNM: Communities: Fact or Fiction!
From: Stefan Magdalinski
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 21:28:11 +0100

Anastasia Williams wrote:
> theSITE is a registered charity http:www.thesite.org that is
> developing new modules based on requests from vistors
> our traffic has increased by 400% over a year without any marketing or
> advertising
> We think we could become self funding in the coming year. This means we
> will no longer need donation income to serve our audience.
> Very interested to hear from anyone who has something to say about a not
> for proft with the potential to generate profits;)


and of course, everyone's faves


interestingly, not-for-profit sites seem to be reaching
profitability/saleability much more quickly than high investment, 'old
media' owned projects.

not to mention the rafts of fansites for everything that oldmedia shut
down on a regular basis, mostly out of jealousy (teletubbies et al)

Is this because users turn out better content than so-called

Stefan Magdalinski mobile:07931 376142
stefanatisness [dot] org boat:0171 7381837
icq: 5261825 desk:0171 8876382
http://www.isness.org/house/boat **/
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  RE: UKNM: Communities: Fact or Fiction!, Anastasia Williams

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