continuous integration

Immutable Server Generation: the new App Deployment

Do you believe in simplicity and efficiency over complexity and brute force? Are you not afraid to look forward with fresh thinking? Then buckle up this talk is for you, this talk challenges the status quo and proposes a radical rethinking of App development.

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Date: 23 June 2014
Location: Skills Matter, UK

Continuous Integration and Delivery

Continuous Integration is a fundamental pillar of running an Agile project.

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Date: 2 September 2013
Location: The Skills Matter eXchange, UK

Continuous Integration and Delivery

Learning how to cope with these changes, understanding how to work efficiently with tools and putting in place good practices for CI/CD can have a drastic improvement on your project, team and organization.

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Date: 3 July 2013
Location: The Skills Matter eXchange, UK

Paul Stack's Continuous Integration & Delivery workshop

This 2-day Continuous Integration & Delivery workshop by Paul Stack is for the developer, architect, and build engineer interested in automating and improving your build process.

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Date: 16 April 2013
Location: Skills Matter at MWB Business Exchange, UK

Paul Stack's Continuous Integration & Delivery workshop

Continuous Integration is a fundamental pillar of running an Agile project. With the recent popularity of continuous delivery and continuous deployment, it is becoming even more common to ship fixes and features to customers more quickly. In this 2-day course, you will learn how.

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Date: 14 March 2013
Location: Skills Matter at MWB Business Exchange, UK

Simon Brown's Enterprise Software Developer

Simon Brown will be delivering a three day course about building software within an enterprise environment. For full details please visit:

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Date: 5 December 2012
Location: MWB Business Exchange, UK

Simon Brown's Enterprise Software Developer

This 4-day practical course is about building software within an enterprise environment in a structured, lightweight and pragmatic way.

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Date: 5 July 2011
Location: The Skills Matter eXchange, UK

Evolving Continuous Delivery

In this talk, Chris read describes how he has evolved the continuous integration and deployment system he currently works with.

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Date: 20 April 2011
Location: The Skills Matter eXchange, UK

Kohsuke Kawaguchi's Mastering Continuous Integration with Jenkins/Hudson

Master Jenkins with its creator, Kohsuke Kawaguchi, and accelerate your team's development process. Continuous Integration is a fundamental best practice of modern software development. Jenkins is the number one open source Continuous Integration Server.

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Date: 1 June 2011
Location: Skills Matter eXchange, UK