
ChristmasCrunch - It's A Realtime Holiday! from TechCrunch Europe

The event will start with registration from 14.00 hours for the seminar programme consisting of keynote presentation, panel discussions and case studies followed by TechCrunch Pitch! Once the seminar programme has come to an end, it will be party with DJs and entertainment until late!

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Date: 15 December 2009
Location: Gilgamesh Restaurant Bar & Lounge, UK

mashup* - Realtime Social Web

During the last 12 months the 'realtime social web' has been growing in importance and value - services like Twitter have almost reached 'fever' point and are now starting to become adopted by the mainstream mass market. I still hear senior professionals saying "it's a fad" - whether it is or not - we think it is important to understand the value that is being created and why it matters to you in your role/business.

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Date: 29 January 2009
Location: The British Computer Society, UK