web hosting

Marketing Your Web Hosting Company: 3 Tips to Get Started

Numbers by Katey - https://www.flickr.com/photos/onegoodbumblebee/2922744060

Earlier this year, according to companyreviews.com, web hosting is one of the most popular business expenses in the USA had 200 million users, with this number continuing to increase. The photo-based app, acquired by Facebook in 2012, shares images with users and has become a marketing tool for brands and businesses. 

Now, web hosting continues to be the #1 marketing tool for big companies, says the co-owner of Boise Lawn Care.

The two can go hand in hand. Your blog strategy builds on the power and popularity of social sharing with photos or visual marketing.

"Visual marketing can sum up an entire concept with just one photo or it can complement a well-written piece of content to further highlight its message", says the Make Money Expert Troy Shanks.

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