year in review

Review of the Year: Pick Your Highlight #highlight2011

About this time last year we asked you if you could pick your most significant thing of 2010 what would it be?

We got some great results, from facebook reaching half a billion users to the one and only SXSW and one of my personal favs, the use of the word 'hacktivist' in a Daily Mail headline about WikiLeaks.

2011 has been a year full of ups and down, from the launch of the ipad 2 in March to the very sad loss of the Apple icon Steve Jobs in October. There has been technology failures, the BlackBerry network went down and left millions moving over to the i phone and you can't forget the PlayStation network hack in April.

Google+ took on Facebook and you can now ask your phone if you are going to need to take a umbrella to work thanks to the development of voice control.

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