February 2000

UKNM Roundup: 25-02-2000

Marketers vs. Programmers: Internecine war?
UK-Netmarketing Weekly Round-up - February 25, 2000

The UK-Netmarketing list has been around for over 2 years now - in fact its exact day of inception has been lost to the mists of new media time. So you can imagine that the lists' subscribers are a pretty eclectic bunch who have a wide range of disciplines between them.

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UKNM Roundup: 18-02-2000

The big question of content management
UK-Netmarketing Weekly Round-up - February 18, 2000

You�ve raised the funding, put in place a team of editorial staff and you're churning out content that, if printed on paper, would crush a small house. The challenge facing many companies is how to manage this treasure. Fortunately, several companies are touting offerings, which claim to ease your content management headaches.

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UKNM Roundup: 11-02-2000

The banner is dead, long live the banner...
UK-Netmarketing Weekly Round-up - February 11, 2000

Unsurprisingly the topic of the humble banner advert makes frequent appearances on the UK-Netmarketing list. This week, William Wemyss kicked things off with his thoughts on how the fairly dismal industry average click-through could be improved.

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MarketingMonitor: BBC Case Study

CASE STUDY: BBC Essentials

iJack score strong response and maximum exposure.

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UKNM Roundup: 04-02-2000

High bandwidth, high expectation...
UK-Netmarketing Weekly Round-up - February 04, 2000

The announcement of the high-speed, �always on� ADSL service from BT was heralded by some as a milestone, which would bring great change for the new media industry. After a short trial, the service is being gradually rolled out across the UK, whilst the uptake in the US is much more dramatic. Following a question for users� experience, those lucky enough to be on the trial shared their experiences.

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