February 2001

UKNM Roundup: 23-02-2001

A New Type of Banner
UK-Netmarketing Weekly Round-up - February 23, 2001

The poor humble banner, much maligned but still the mainstay of the online advertising business. It's days look numbered and despite the inclusion of whizzy multimedia the banner has never seemed less glamorous. So when C|Net introduced an innovative new placement for their Flash banners on their news.com website, it drew some interest from uk-netmarketing members.

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UKNM Roundup: 16-02-2001

Are Users Stupid?
UK-Netmarketing Weekly Round-up - February 16, 2001

In the heat of the moment, usually in the last minutes before a website is ready to go live, some smart Alec will pounce and ask why it's so difficult to use. Usability, essentially the practice of making something user-friendly [I'm paraphrasing a lot before all the experts pile in with length definitions], can help alleviate these problems.

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MarketingMonitor: 13 February 2001, Vol. II, Issue 2

Feb. 13, 2001 Vol. II, Issue 2
Please forward this issue WITHOUT cutting. Thanks!

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UKNM Roundup: 09-02-2001

Writing Press Releases
UK-Netmarketing Weekly Round-up - February 9, 2001

Putting together a well crafted press release can be an arduous task, but if you don't have the budge to hire a PR company or even a freelancer, how do you DIY?

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UKNM Roundup: 02-02-2001

Banner Ads vs. PR
UK-Netmarketing Weekly Round-up - February 2, 2001

On the face of it might be tempting to think that buying banner adverts to promote your website would be easier than a spot of well-placed PR. Trouble is, it's not so easy to target banner ads, measure the results and roll-out a well formed campaign. Once you've gone to all that trouble, would it have just been easier to follow the PR route?

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