Social Media in Business

Event Info

Thu 23 Oct, 2008 from 9:30am - 4:45pm
The Crowne Plaza Hotel
Buckinghamshire, UK


Social Media is now in everyday public use as well as being an integral part of the marketing industry. The world of social media enables ALL your consumers, employees and parties with a vested interest to communicate to thousands within seconds, garner opinion and amplify the “noise” both positively and negatively.

Are you positioned to deliver a strategy and measure its outcomes?

If a rumour or urban myth about your company or brand starts circulating on the Internet, how will you find out…and how soon? In an era when questionable information can spread rapidly online, brand managers, corporate reputation professionals and marketers need to understand how information and rumours spread, and what can be done pro-actively to stem the tide…before it takes a toll. - Nielsen

Social Media In Business - will empower your company to understand the potency of Online conversations & more importantly when and how to engage with a meaningful response.

Social Media in Business - aims to facilitate the key intelligence and insight that all major companies and brands need to understand if they are going to communicate effectively with their key stakeholders, be they customers, the media, shareholders or their employees.

Social Media in Business - has grown out of the highly successful Social Media Mafia unconference series and draws on that success in helping companies understand the power of online conversation and how to deliver a meaningful response.

Social Media in Business - is the next step in that process. It will offer insights into how to protect and improve your brand’s reputation in the face of an increasingly demanding public.


To register for this event visit the Social Media business homepage.  



Social Media in Business